After acquiring my new glasses this morning I decided to test them out by finishing Regency Buck this afternoon. Georgette Heyer has written over 50 historical novels dealing in particular with the Regency period. I usually love books of this type and was really looking forward to reading it but I have to be honest that it took quite a lot of effort not to abandon it before the end. I think this has more to do with it perhaps just not being the right book for me at the moment and it has not put me off reading other Heyer novels. The book follows the beautiful and wilful Judith Taverner and her brother Peregrine who are left in the care of their guardian Julian St John Audley, the Fifth Earl of Worth after the death of their father. He is what Judith would describe as a 'dandy'- a member of the fashionable Bow-window set and the man that is ultimately in charge of her destiny. The reader follows Judith as she enters the social london scene and its many pitfalls and faux pauxs. ...
The books I am reading and little bits of life along the way